Be it a single specialized job or a large mass finishing project, Apex Metal Finishing delivers.
We offer complete finishing, pre-plate, ball burnishing, passivation, certified shot peening, glass beading, descaling, vibratory deburring, parts washing and vapor degreasing for almost any manufactured part whether it be plastic, ferrous, and non-ferrous material.
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Mechanical Plating/Galvanizing
Offering an efficient method for the application of zinc, tin, aluminum, or other ductile irons onto metal substrates.
Vibratory Finishing
Over a dozen vibratory and tumbling options to ensure the best process for your metal finishing needs.
Certified Shot Peening
Creating a uniform layer of residual compressive stress.
Removing surface iron from stainless steel parts by dipping in an acid solution.
Abrasive Blasting
Used to clean or strengthen parts.
Parts Cleaning
Removal of dirt, dust, oil, grease, lime scale or chips.